RBI Medical Recruitment 2021-22:
RBI Medical Recruitment 2021-22: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) invites applications from MBBS Doctors for engagement of Bank’s Medical Consultant (BMC) on a contract basis with fixed hourly remuneration at Reserve Bank of India, Ahmedabad. The last date for submission of applications is 21st December 2021.
Name of the Post | No of Vacancies |
Bank’s Medical Consultant | 03 (ST – 01, UR – 02) |
✅ Age Limit:
As per Advertisement.
✅ Monthly Emoluments:
✔️ ₹ 1000/- per hour for the entire period of contract.
✔️ Out of total monthly remuneration so payable, a sum of ₹ 1000/- per month may be treated as conveyance expense.
✅ Educational Qualifications:
✅ How to Apply:
Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format only. Application should reach the Regional Director, Human Resource Management Department, Reserve Bank of India, 4th Floor, Main Office Building, Near Gandhi Bridge, Ahmedabad – 380014, on or before 21/12/2021.
The application should be sent in a sealed cover super-scribed as ‘Application for the post of Bank’s Medical Consultant on Contract Basis’ or by email [email protected]
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) invites applications from eligible Doctors for for preparing a panel to fill up one post (Unreserved) of Bank’s Medical Consultant (BMC) on contract basis, for the dispensary of RBI located at Lisie Junction, Ernakulam North, P.B.No.3065, Kochi – 682018. The last date for submission of applications is 30th November 2021.
Name of the Post | No of Vacancy |
Bank’s Medical Consultant | 01 (UR) |
Age Limit: As per Advertisement.
Monthly Emoluments:
₹ 1000/- per hour for the entire period of contract.
Out of total monthly remuneration so payable, a sum of ₹ 1000/- per month may be treated as conveyance expense.
Educational Qualifications:
MBBS degree in the allopathic system of medicine from any university recognized by the Medical Council of India.
Minimum of two years’ practice in medicine in any hospital or clinic as a medical practitioner.
Selection Process: Selection will be made through Interview of the eligible candidates.
How to Apply: Application in prescribed format. Completed application should reach the General Manager, Reserve Bank of India, Human Resource Management Department, Lisie Junction, Ernakulam North, P.B.No.3065, Kochi – 682018 on or before 30/11/2021 up to 5:00 PM.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) invites applications for Engagement of Part-time Bank’s Medical Consultant on contract basis with fixed hourly remuneration, Agartala. The last date for receipt of applications is 26th November 2021.
Name of the Post |
No of Vacancy |
Bank’s Medical Consultant |
01 (ST) |
Age Limit: As per Advertisement.
Monthly Emoluments:
₹ 1,000/- per hour for the entire period of contract, i.e., three years.
Out of the total monthly remuneration so payable, a sum of ₹ 1,000/- per month shall be treated as conveyance expenses.
Educational Qualifications:
MBBS degree in the allopathic system of medicine from any university recognized by the Medical Council of India.
Minimum of two years’ practice in medicine in any hospital or clinic as a medical practitioner.
Selection Process: Interview.
How to Apply: Eligible Candidates apply in prescribed application format. The application from eligible candidates should reach The Chief General Manager, Reserve Bank of India, 2nd Floor, Jackson Gate Building, Lenin Sarani, Agartala – 799001 on or before 05.00 p.m. of 26/11/2021.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Chennai invites applications for engagement of Bank’s Medical Consultant (BMC) on Contractual Basis with Fixed Hourly Remuneration, Reserve Bank Staff College (RBSC), RBI Chennai. The last date for submission of applications is 20th October 2021.
Post Name |
No of Vacancies |
Medical Consultants (MCs) |
02 |
Age Limit: As per Advertisement.
₹ 1000/- per hour for the entire period of contract, i.e. 03 years.
Out of total monthly remuneration so payable, a sum of ₹ 1,000/- per month may be treated as conveyance expense.
The applicant should possess MBBS degree of any recognized University in the allopathic system of medicine.
Applicants having post graduate degree in General Medicine can also apply for the post.
The applicant should have a minimum of 02 years of experience practicing medicine in any hospital or clinic as Medical Practitioner.
The applicant should have his / her own dispensary or place of residence within a radius of 15 kms from the Reserve Bank Staff College dispensary at the aforementioned location.
The contract for engagement will be for a period of three years from February 01, 2022. There will not be any renewal of engagement on completion of 3 years i.e. January 31, 2025.
Selection Process:
Documents Verification
Application Fee: Not Specified.
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format. The application should be sent in a cover superscripted “Application for the post of Medical Consultant on Contractual Basis (with fixed hourly remuneration)”. Completed applications should reach to the Principal, Reserve Bank Staff College, No. 359, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai – 600 018 on or before 20/10/2021 up to 5 PM.
RBI New Delhi Recruitment 2021: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) invites applications for engagement of Medical Consultants (MCs) on Contractual Basis with Fixed Hourly Remuneration. The last date for submission of applications is 14th October 2021.
Post Name |
No of Vacancies |
Medical Consultants (MCs) |
02 |
Age Limit: As per Advertisement.
₹ 1000/- per hour for the entire period of contract, i.e. 03 years.
Out of total monthly remuneration so payable, a sum of ₹ 1,000/- per month may be treated as conveyance expense.
The applicant should possess MBBS degree of any recognized University in the allopathic system of medicine.
Applicants having post graduate degree in General Medicine can also apply for the post.
The applicant should have a minimum of 02 years of experience of practicing medicine in any hospital or clinic as Medical Practitioner.
The applicant should have his/ her own dispensary or place of residence within a radius of 10-15 Kms from the Bank’s dispensary for which he intends to apply out of the aforementioned locations.
The contract for engagement will be for a period of three years. There will not be any renewal of engagement on completion of the contract.
Selection Process:
Documents Verification
Application Fee: Not Specified.
How to Apply: Application in prescribed format. Completed application should be reach to the Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Human Resource Management Department (Recruitment Section), 6, Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110 001, on or before 14/10/2021.